
Vickers Choir

Any student in  5th Grade may join the choir. Members of the Vickers Choir are expected to demonstrate excellent behavior, attitude, academic performance, and school and rehearsal attendance.

In previous years, in addition to performing at our school music programs, the Vickers Choir performed at the Victoria Mall in a holiday-themed community performance. This is a great learning opportunity for the students and a great way to serve our community.

Children involved in choir learn proper singing technique, the importance of responsibility, and teamwork. Singing exercises our lungs. It tones up our intercostal muscles and our diaphragm. There is an increase in self-esteem and confidence. Singing is useful as a stress reducer. Choir enables you to meet more people. Choir brings people together and encourages a sense of community. It offers opportunity for giving and receiving positive feedback and lastly, it is a forum for fun & laughter!